April 30, 2007

DAS updated / jonny in colour...

Dead Air Space更新。jonny in colour...

April 28, 2007

DAS updated / How does it go?

Dead Air Space更新。How does it go?...

April 25, 2007

DAS updated / It goes like this

Dead Air Space更新。It goes like this.. / What was that?..

4/24発売のDJ Dixon(Steffen Berkhahn)によるコンパイル/リミックスアルバム「Body Language, Vol. 4」に"The Eraser"のリミックスが収録されています。(source : At Ease)

At EaseのMBに集うメンバーによるRadioheadのカヴァートラック集"Audiotape Is The New Videotape"がこちらに掲載されているリンクより試聴/ダウンロードできるようです。(source : At Ease)

April 24, 2007

Thom on DAS

Dead Air Space更新。Thomの投稿。
Friends of the earth

this is for uk peeps only im afraid.

the british government is drawing up a climate change law..committing us to reducing our co2 emmissions.
this is something i am helping friends of the earth uk campaign for.
(as well as working long hours with radiohead on these songs we've got which you may know about.)

if you got involved as well then thank you.. on behalf of us all...
(it is amazing what letters still can do.)
as is always the way..the bill at the moment is not quite what it
should be, to say the least as they seem to have forgotten about planes and ships..amongst other things.
there is a lot of column inches and internet space and conversation
taking place about all this as you know on the subject of climate change.
and it all runs the risk of reaching saturation point. except that
it is potentially the most terrifying problem the human world has ever had to face..
doing our bit.. flying less, etc etc (all those column inches) will not really have any effect unless the uk as a whole decides without
excuses and backtracking that we want to really do something..
unless all of us accepts a law that we all must adhere to...
that has the desired effect rather than creating an illusion..

so if you can be arsed you can take part in saying what you think
the bill should contain
this is a public consultation, as the government calls it
(except when it's about nuclear power..)

there is a page on the FOe website at the moment where you can do this

radiohead starts up again having finally caught up on some sleep next week
i have a cd of what we;'ve been up to...
and you haven't.

i must listen to it, after taking an ear break
that always makes me nervous
hope you're well





April 23, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space更新。Over your shoulder....

April 19, 2007

DAS updated / What Are These Called?

Dead Air Space更新。What Are These Called?...

At Easeではこれは何?とコメント募集中。こちら

April 18, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space /HODIAU DIREKTONにて、"15 Step"の音源をちょっぴり公開中(!?)。

memo: スカパー 271ch 他 "MUSIC AIR" 「ジュールズ倶楽部 第145夜」
"There There""2+2=5""Go To Sleep""Where I End and You Begin"のスタジオライブ(2003年)をオンエア。
5/ 6 (日)24.00〜
5/17(木) 15.00〜
5/19 (土)10.30〜

April 17, 2007

DAS updated / a Wolf At The Door video

Dead Air Space更新。NS10sAe1s..."HODIAU DIREKTON"にはスタジオ風景。

lady Newell & Friends による "a Wolf At The Door"のビデオ→こちら
thanks to Lady Newell

April 16, 2007

Thom on DAS

Dead Air Space更新。15日付で"Happy Birthday Ed!"とEdの写真。
" "

When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone.



April 14, 2007

DAS updated / on and on and on

Dead Air Space更新。Thomの投稿。Monbiot.comからの引用。

on and on and on

...................."Last year the top climate scientist at NASA,
James Hansen, reported that his bosses were trying to censor his lectures,
papers and web postings. He was told by public relations officials
at the agency that there would be “dire consequences” if he continued
to call for rapid reductions in greenhouse gases(12)..........

The Union of Concerned Scientists found that 58% of the 279 climate
scientists working at federal agencies in the US who responded to
its survey reported that they had experienced one of the following
constraints. 1. “Pressure to eliminate the words ‘climate change,’
‘global warming’, or other similar terms” from their communications.
2. Editing of scientific reports by their superiors which “changed
the meaning of scientific findings”. 3. Statements by officials at
their agencies which misrepresented their findings. 4. “The disappearance
or unusual delay of websites, reports, or other science-based materials
relating to climate”. 5. “New or unusual administrative requirements
that impair climate-related work”. 6. “Situations in which scientists
have actively objected to, resigned from, or removed themselves from
a project because of pressure to change scientific findings.” They
reported 435 incidents of political interference over the past five

George Monbiot


April 13, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space更新。Ed and Phil...

April 12, 2007

DAS updated

a href="http://www.radiohead.com/deadairspace/" target="_blank">Dead Air Space更新。in the room...

April 11, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space更新。Winter 07 London...

April 10, 2007

Thom on DAS

Dead Air Space更新。Thomの投稿。
a wee treap doon memori lane

is what happens when you spend too long listening to the same
thing over and over again until you just cant tell anymore and you
have to do something else instead

courtesay ov those genius bruvers vapour



...懐かしいWebcastの映像(当サイト内のこちらでもちょっぴり紹介しておりますが)をまとめたムービーがvapourbrothers.comに。天才bruvers(=brothers) vapour のご好意だそうで。

April 9, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space更新。

Just Like You...

April 8, 2007

DAS updated / Jesus Loves You

Dead Air Space更新。Jesus Loves You...

April 7, 2007

DAS updated / A big fan of the Congoes...

Dead Air Space更新。A big fan of the Congoes...

April 6, 2007

DAS updated /Don't Look Now

Dead Air Space更新。Don't Look Now

April 4, 2007

DAS updated

Dead Air Space更新。"Mr D at his Desk"また、"HODIAU DIREKTON"にはスタジオ風景。

以前お伝えした Eliza Lumley のRadioheadのカヴァーアルバム 'She Talks in Maths: Rediscovering Radiohead'がiTune ストアにてDL販売開始している模様。すでにAppleミュージックストアのジャズチャートのトップに。トラックリストは以下:
1 High and Dry
2 Black Star
3 Street Spirit
4 Let Down
5 No Surprises
6 Karma Police
7 Lucky
8 How to Disappear Completely
9 Creep
10 Bullet Proof.. I Wish I Was
なお、彼女のMySpaceでは4曲公開中。(source : At Ease)
2006年10月、「Radio and Juliet」というエドワード・クラグ(Edward Clug)振付による作品のバレエ舞台公演があり、それがRadioheadの音楽に合わせて踊る...という事で話題になっていましたが、この"Radio and Juliet"の(日本初)TV放送があるようです。
放送についてはシアターテレビジョン(CSデジタル衛星放送「SKY PerfecTV! 」/「スカパー! 光」で視聴可能。)のこちらで放送スケジュールをご確認ください。Thanks to mmmさん!!

April 3, 2007

Thom on DAS

Dead Air Space更新。Thomの投稿 & 写真 "Api Desk"。

mental note



April 2, 2007

DAS updated / tea break...

Dead Air Space更新。"tea break"