June 30, 2016

Dead Air Space update 6/30


June 28, 2016

Ed O'Brien Talks ABBA, Prince, and More with Dave Okumu of the Invisible

ロンドンのレーベル Ninja Tune がホストを務めるポッドキャストのゲストにEdが出演。
The InvisibleのフロントマンであるDave Okumuとの出演で、
そして、第二話ではKanye Westと遭遇した時の話等を語っています。

Pitchfork: Radiohead's Ed O'Brien Talks ABBA, Prince, and More with Dave Okumu of the Invisible
Pichfork: Radiohead's Ed O'Brien Talked to Kanye West About God
NME: レディオヘッドのエド、80年代の狭い音楽嗜好がストーン・ローゼズで一変したと語る
NME: レディオヘッドのエド・オブライエン、カニエ・ウェストに衝撃を与えた一夜について語る


June 26, 2016

Philip Selway on Twitter

Happy Birthday Colin!

June 24, 2016

Thom Yorke on Twitter

Radiohead on Twitter

June 20, 2016

OSHEAGA Festival: full lineup and schedules

June 18, 2016

Radiohead @ Secret Solstice Festival Reykjavik Iceland

17th June 2016 / Secret Solstice Festival / Reykjavík, Iceland

01. Burn the Witch
02. Daydreaming
03. Decks Dark
04. Desert Island Disk
05. Ful Stop
06. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
07. My Iron Lung
08. No Surprises
09. The Gloaming
10. Separator
11. Identikit
12. The Numbers
13. Feral
14. Reckoner
15. The National Anthem
16. Everything In Its Right Place
17. Idioteque
18. Bloom
19. Paranoid Android
20. Nude
21. 2+2=5
22. There There
encore 2
23. Karma Police
24. Creep
25. Bodysnatchers



June 17, 2016

Radiohead on Twitter


2016.8.6 - 12
Jonny、そしてShye Ben Tzurや監督にもらったメッセージも公開しています。



BBC 6 The First Time with: Jonny Greenwood

The First Time with Jonny Greenwood - BBC Radio 6 Music
Their ninth album is "utterly entrancing", "mesmerising" and "an incisive portrayal of emotional vulnerability", the critics said. Fans, too, lavished praise on the album, noting a return to melodicism after the fractured and fatigued King Of Limbs five years ago.

Many of the songs are elevated by guitarist Jonny Greenwood's orchestral arrangements and the presence of the 13-person choir from the London Contemporary Orchestra.

The band haven't spoken about the record since it was released, but Greenwood dropped into BBC 6 Music to chat to Matt Everitt earlier this week

Their conversation covered the "traumatic" recording sessions, Radiohead's career-spanning live shows, and their rejected theme song for the Bond film, Spectre.

The setlists for your recent live shows have changed radically every night. How many songs did you rehearse?

We started with 120. It's crazy. I mean, it's just every song we've done. And then we gave up and realised that was stupid and got it down to about 60 or 70, and we played 24 songs a night. So there's a lot to choose from.

What was the thinking behind that?

Variety. Keeping it fresh and interesting. It drives our crew crazy, as you might imagine, because they don't know what to do with the lights. But that's okay. We've always been like that. We've always decided the setlist just before we play.

The image that's grown around Radiohead's studio work is that it's very tortured, very emotionally draining... a very difficult experience for everybody concerned. Is that is that true?

It's by turns really exciting - and there's usually Thom [Yorke] in the middle of it getting very excited and motivating everyone and getting worked up about how well it's going - and then there's periods when nothing's happening and it's just not working and it's frustrating.

But it's like that for everyone with work. When it's going well it's such an exciting and "up" and happy time that gets you through anything, really. It's only torturous looking back.

Such as?

We recorded No Surprises [from 1997's OK Computer album] and then worried about it. And then we recorded it again because it didn't sound very good. And then we recorded it again. And then went back to the very first recording and released it.

So it's tortuous in that way. It's not like you're sitting looking for a kick drum sound for two weeks, it's more effort than that. More hitting brick walls over and over again. That's just how it goes.

What are your memories of headlining Glastonbury in 1997 - a gig that is now regarded by many as one of the greatest Glastonbury performances ever.

I just remember it being very stressful and the monitors breaking and Thom walking off because he couldn't hear anything and it just being a disaster!

It was pretty bad. It was like, "We can't hear ourselves, and we don't know what's coming across," and then I remember asking Andy Watson, our lighting guy, to illuminate the audience so we could finally see them. I remember that. You can't hear what you're playing and you hope everyone is hearing each other and that something is coming across, but it was a struggle.

You released your track Spectre on Christmas Day - explaining it had been intended as the theme as a James Bond theme, until Sam Smith's track was chosen instead. What happened?

It wasn't right for the film, what we did. So we thought, "Great! Then it's ours. We can finish it how it's meant to be and we can release it." So that side of it was really positive, you know?

But I guess there's lots of people interested in who does it [the Bond theme]. There's a lot riding on it and the song we did was just too dark or whatever, so that's fine. [It] means we get to have it back and it's ours and we got to put it out.

We're really, really proud of it. Why be attached to an old fashioned idea of what a James Bond thing was and it being a big deal? It's like it's sort of stupid to get worked up about, really.

A Moon Shaped Pool features a lot of arrangements by the London Contemporary Orchestra, who you're a great champion of.

Well there's songs like Burn The Witch which, very rarely for us, we managed to get strings on near the beginning. We left it unfinished on purpose and left lots of room for the strings and we never do that usually. Usually the strings are the icing on top.

At the end of Daydreaming I got the cellos to all tune their bottom strings down about a fifth [of an octave] but then still try to play the music. So you can hear them struggling to stay in tune and you have the low growl sound.

You want to use strings in a way that isn't just pastiche and that can be hard to avoid. That was fun, trying to square that circle.

I was lucky enough to see a couple of the recent shows and it looked like you were really enjoying being on stage.

Yeah, it was really enjoyable. I think we're appreciating being in a band with each other in the moment and enjoying the sound that we put across. So it's a very happy time, yes. What can I say? There's nothing to complain about really!...


June 16, 2016

Radiohead on Twitter

June 14, 2016

Thom Yorke performed a solo acoustic set at his neighbor's garden party

Thomが隣人達とのガーデンパーティに参加し、「Desert Island Disk」「No Surprises」「Street Spirit」「Reckoner」「I Might Be Wrong」等、30分程のアコースティックセットを披露したそうです。

Radiohead give away original 'Burn The Witch' figurines, artwork and film prints at global event

A Moon Shaped Poolの通常盤販売に向け世界各国でイベントが開催されますが、

その中にはBurn The Witchのビデオで使用された人形や、Stanley Donwoodによるアートワーク、そして、Paul Thomas Anderson監督による「Daydreaming」の35mmフィルムも。
Fact Magazine

Live From A Moon Shaped Pool takes place at Tower Records in Shibuya

渋谷タワーレコードで開催される1日限りのイベント「Live From A Moon Shaped Pool 」
詳細→ コチラ
渋谷タワーレコード 8F Space HACHIKAI
①11:00 ②19:00


Live From A Moon Shaped Pool takes place at Tower Records in Shibuya

渋谷のTower Recordsにて。http://www.amoonshapedpool.com/livefrom/

June 13, 2016

Adam talks to Jonny Greenwood

Radioheadと仲良しのAdam BuxtonによるJonnyとのチャットの模様が公開されています。

そうなったらしばらく放置するんだ。 'No Surprises'なんかもそう。

Radiohead on Twitter



June 11, 2016

Live From A Moon Shaped Pool takes place at record stores worldwide June 17

ニュー・アルバム『A Moon Shaped Pool』の一般発売に伴い、6月17日にワールドワイドのイベントが開催されることが

『A Moon Shaped Pool』の特設サイトによると、世界中のレコード・ストアを舞台に、ストリーミングのイベントを行うのだそう。




June 10, 2016

Radiohead on Twitter

June 8, 2016

Dead Air Space update 6/8




June 4, 2016

Radiohead @ Primavera Sound Festival Barcelona, Spain

3rd June 2016  Primavera Sound Festival / Barcelona, Spain

01. Burn the Witch
02. Daydreaming
03. Decks Dark
04. Desert Island Disk
05. Ful Stop
06. The National Anthem
07. Talk Show Host
08. Lotus Flower
09. No Surprises
10. Pyramid Song
11. The Numbers
12. Karma Police
13. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
14. Everything In Its Right Place
15. Idioteque
16. Bodysnatchers
17. Street Spirit [Fade Out]

18. Bloom
19. Paranoid Android
20. Nude
21. 2+2=5
22. There There

encore 2
23. Creep

June 3, 2016

Burn The Witch/Spectre 7" is available in Japan

日本にもやっとBurn The Witch/Spectre の7インチが入荷した模様です。

Radiohead on Twitter

June 2, 2016

Radiohead @ Les Nuits Des Fourvieres Lyon, France

1st June 2016 / Lyon, France

01. Burn the Witch
02. Daydreaming
03. Decks Dark
04. Desert Island Disk
05. Ful Stop
06. Optimistic
07. Talk Show Host
08. The Gloaming
09. No Surprises
10. Glass Eyes
11. Subterranean Homesick Alien
12. Identikit
13. Lotus Flower
14. Feral
15. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
16. Idioteque
17. Climbing Up The Walls

18. The Numbers
19. Exit Music (For A Film)
20. Myxomatosis
21. Present Tense
22. Paranoid Android

encore 2
23. Bodysnatchers
24. You And Whose Army?