「Jonny Greenwood」 の検索結果(6/15)

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July 23, 2015

A rare video interview with Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood

写真家Kate Joyceの特集記事で、昨年Big Ears Festivalに出演した当時収録されたJonnyのインタヴューが公開されています。

Anatomy of a Sequence -- Jonny Greenwood and Kate Joyce from Ivan Weiss

July 12, 2015

Jonny Greenwood interview at Open'er Festival

ポーランドのラジオ局Polskie RadioがJonnyのインタヴューを公開。

July 11, 2015

JONNY GREENWOOD & LCO at Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, Budapest

Jonny とLCOのブダペスト公演(10/17)が決定している様です。
→ Jonny Greenwood and LCO at Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, Budapest on 17 October 2015

チケット、および詳細:Müpa Budapest

Jonny の今後の公演
8月19日(水)Meltdown Festival, UK:There Will Be Blood Live / Jonny Greenwood & LCO
9月1日(日) Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival,Israel ( Shye Ben Tzur )
10月15日(木)YOTASPACE Moscow / Jonny Greenwood & LCO
10月17日(土)Béla Bartók National Concert Hall,Budapest / Jonny Greenwood & LCO

July 11, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestra at Open'er Festival

7月3日に中継でネット配信されていたJonnyとLCOによるOpen'er Festivalでの模様が、フルでyoutubeに。


July 8, 2015

Shye Ben Tzur & Jonny Greenwood

Jerusalem Sacred Music Festivalに9月1日にShye Ben Tzurと共に出演が決定しているJonny。

Shye Ben Tzur & Jonny Greenwood - Junoon  The Rajasthan Groove Orchestra


July 4, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestra at Open'er Festival

7月3日、Jonnyはポーランドで開催中のOpen'er Festivalに出演。
コンサートの模様は事後情報になりますが(すみません、最近オンタイム情報はすっかりTwitterで情報を流していてサイトの更新は遅れています...)Opener TVにてフルでネットでの中継もありました。
セットリストは写真の下に。(via LCO website)

関連記事および写真:DIY: day three of Open'er 2015

photos via opener twitter and  The Line of Best Fit

Jonny Greenwood Miniature
Edmund Finnis Brother
Jonny Greenwood Application 45 Version 1 ('The Master')
Messiaen Vocalise-Étude
Jonny Greenwood Future Markets ('There Will Be Blood')
Jonny Greenwood Prospectors Arrive ('There Will Be Blood')
Jonny Greenwood 88: Sketch*
Jonny Greenwood There Will Be Blood ('There Will Be Blood')
Steve Reich Electric Counterpoint
Jonny Greenwood Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers
Jonny Greenwood Loop

Jonny Greenwood (electric guitar / ondes Martenot / tanpura)
Daniel Pioro (violin)
Galya Bisengalieva (violin)
Robert Ames (viola)
Ian Anderson (viola)
Brian O'Kane (cello)
Clare O'Connell (cello)
Dave Brown (double bass)
*Gwenaëlle Rouger (piano)
Hugh Brunt (conductor)
Erik Nyström (sound designer)
Graeme Stewart (sound engineer)

June 21, 2015

JONNY GREENWOOD & LCO at Best Kept Secret

JONNY GREENWOOD & LCO at Best Kept Secret 2015


Jonny Greenwood Miniature
Edmund Finnis Brother
Messiaen Vocalise-Étude
Jonny Greenwood Future Markets ('There Will Be Blood')
Jonny Greenwood Prospectors Arrive ('There Will Be Blood')
Mica Levi Love ('Under The Skin')*
Jonny Greenwood There Will Be Blood ('There Will Be Blood')
Steve Reich Electric Counterpoint
Jonny Greenwood Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers
Jonny Greenwood Loop

Jonny Greenwood (electric guitar / ondes Martenot / tanpura)
Daniel Pioro (violin)
Galya Bisengalieva (violin)
Robert Ames (viola)
Becky Jones (viola)
*Oliver Coates (cello)
Clare O'Connell (cello)
Dave Brown (double bass)
Gwenaëlle Rouger (piano)
Hugh Brunt (conductor)
Erik Nyström (sound designer)
Graeme Stewart (sound engineer)

photo: Alex Vanhee Photography
参照: Best Kept Secret: Jonny Greenwood vertolkt bijzonder klassieke schoonheid
Review at Humo.be Jonny Greenwood and the London Contemporary Orchestra op Best Kept Secret 2015

June 18, 2015

JONNY GREENWOOD & LCO at Royal Hospital Kilmainham


Jonny Greenwood and LCO Soloists: Dublin
Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland

Jonny Greenwood Miniature
Edmund Finnis Brother
Messiaen Vocalise-Étude
Jonny Greenwood Future Markets ('There Will Be Blood')
Jonny Greenwood Prospectors Arrive ('There Will Be Blood')
Mica Levi Love ('Under The Skin')*
Jonny Greenwood There Will Be Blood ('There Will Be Blood')
Steve Reich Electric Counterpoint
Jonny Greenwood Loop
Jonny Greenwood Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers

Jonny Greenwood (electric guitar / ondes Martenot / tanpura)
Daniel Pioro (violin)
Galya Bisengalieva (violin)
Robert Ames (viola)
Becky Jones (viola)
*Oliver Coates (cello)
Clare O'Connell (cello)
Dave Brown (double bass)
Gwenaëlle Rouger (piano)
Hugh Brunt (conductor)
Erik Nyström (sound designer)
Graeme Stewart (sound engineer)

nialler9: An interview with Jonny Greenwood



参照(photos and articles)
The Thin Air: Beck w/ Jonny Greenwood @ Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin
Hotpress: Beck at the RHK

June 17, 2015

Jonny Greenwood confirms work on a song called "Lift"


「Lift」については何年もの月日を経てやっとIn Rainbowsに収録されリリースされた「Big Ideas」(のちの「Nude」)同様の意味をもつ曲とのこと。
「どのアルバムにも僕らの古い曲が収録されてるってのは知られてない事なんだよね...In RainbowsのNudeみたいなさ。僕らはその時まで正しいアレンジを見つけられなかったんだ。Liftもまさにそう。

source: COS: Jonny Greenwood offers update on new Radiohead album



June 12, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestra at Open'er Festival

7月1日〜4日にポーランドで開催されるOpen'er Festival。
Jonnyは7月3日のTENT STAGE に出演します。→ Jonny Greenwood & London ContemporaryOrchestra

May 28, 2015

THERE WILL BE BLOOD w/ Jonny's score live @ Meltdown Festival

毎年、ロンドンのSouthbank Centreで行われているMeltdown Festivalにて、映画の上映、サウンドトラックが生演奏...という、JonnyとLondon Contemporary OrchestraによるTHERE WILL BE BLOOD Liveが再演されます。
今年のMeltdown Festivalのディレクターを務めるのはDavid Byrne。

日時は8月19日 19:30より。
チケット、および詳細は→ Southbank Center: There Will Be Blood Live へ。

David Byrnemelt.png


May 20, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & Shye Ben Tzur at Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival

2月にレコーディングおよび、World Sacred Spirit Festivalで共演したShye Ben Tzurと9月1日にイスラエル、エルサレムで開催されるJerusalem Sacred Music Festival に出演する事が決定しているようです。 
詳細は → コチラ

Shye Ben Tzur & Jonny Greenwood - Junoon The Rajasthan Groove Orchestra

こちらにはJonnyとShye Ben Tzurの過去の活動について等書かれているそうです。


Jonny の今後の公演
6月17日(水)Kilmainham Dublin ( Beck ) /Jonny Greenwood & LCO
6月21日(日)Best Kept Secret Festival /Jonny Greenwood & LCO
7月3日(金)  Open'er Festival / Jonny Greenwood & LCO
9月1日(日) Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival ( Shye Ben Tzur )
10月15日 (木)YOTASPACE Moscow / Jonny Greenwood & LCO

May 6, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestra at Best Kept Secret Festival

Jonnyが出演するBest Kept Secret Festivalの日割り、タイムテーブルが発表されました。
Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestraは最終日

May 1, 2015

BECK & Guests JONNY GREENWOOD & LCO at Royal Hospital Kilmainham

JonnyとLondon Contemporary Orchestraがゲストとして Beck の6月17日のアイルランド・ダブリンのRoyal Hospital Kilmainhamで行われる公演に参加します。(3/2ニュース参照
チケット発売中です → MCD

April 30, 2015

Jonny Greenwood & London Contemporary Orchestra Perform In Moscow

Jonny と London Contemporary Orchestra の10月15日にロシア、モスクワにある YOTASPACEでの公演が決定しています。



April 23, 2015

Jonny's "Water" will be performed by the Australian Chamber Orchestra on Sunday 26th

Jonnyの新曲 「Water」が26日、カーネギー・ホールにてAustralian Chamber Orchestraにより演奏されます。

以下Programme notesより。


Multi-instrumentalist and composer Jonny Greenwood joined the band Radiohead while he was a high school student in the UK, leaving his university after one term to pursue a recording career with the band for the EMI label. Originally a violist, Greenwood's early musical interests included contemporary composers like Olivier Messiaen and György Ligeti; the influence of the former is evident in Greenwood's use of the ondes Martenot, an electronic instrument beloved of Messiaen, on Radiohead's immaculately engineered album Kid A (2000), and the slewing, ondes-like string writing that creates a dissolving sheen of sound towards the end of songs like "How to Disappear Completely." Greenwood has subsequently been a composer-in-residence with the BBC Concert Orchestra and more recently with the London Contemporary Orchestra. He has composed in a variety of classical genres, and was nominated for Breakout Composer of the Year by the International Film Music Critics Association in 2007. His film scores include Bodysong, There Will Be Blood, Norwegian Wood, We Need to Talk About Kevin,and The Master.

Water is the result of Greenwood's collaboration with the Australian Chamber Orchestra during his residence with the ensemble in 2013. Writing in The Guardian, Greenwood described composing "for concerts instead of recordings, which is a new way of thinking about music for me ... I love the impermanence of the music live: It's played in the room--which is itself infinitely variable from one concert to another--and then it's gone, soaked into the walls. Unlike recordings, it isn't identical to the previous performance or the next one."

Water is scored for piano and synthesizer, two flutes, two tanpuras (which are played in this performance by one musician on one tanpura, with the sound of the second instrument produced electronically), and strings. The score includes a superscription from British poet Phillip Larkin's short lyric poem "Water" from The Whitsun Weddings. The poem begins:

If I were called in
To construct a religion
I should make use of water.

It ends with an image of a glass of clear water:

Where any angled light
Would congregate endlessly.

Greenwood's work begins with five overlapping ostinatos, or repeated figures, in 6/4 time in the violins and keyboard. Each figure is restricted to a few notes from the C-major Lydian scale, and the texture, while active, is essentially consonant, like ripples in water. Also added are long notes in the lower strings and tanpuras, outlining the C-major tonality in free rhythm. Flutes and violas add chromatic
coloring, and ornate figures from the solo first violin lead to the work's first climax. The section continues with the full string section contrasting with lighter ensemble episodes, increasingly elaborate solo writing, and an exploration of the icy timbre of string harmonics. This last sound is used for a passage where the players are given rhythmic freedom to create glinting pile-ups of sonority.

The following section begins with a simple but dissonant two-part idea in 3/8 that gathers in intensity and volume as it spreads through the orchestra. This is followed by a section of extended techniques for the strings, such as bowing behind the bridge and striking muffled strings with a guitar pick. These provide new rhythmic ostinatos that lead to a texture of simple rhythm and close chromatic harmony. The final section is in a slow 3/8, where cluster chords swell and recede in the orchestra's middle register, the tanpuras progressively detune, and the faster phrases in the keyboard, winds, and upper strings make use of note-bending. This section, like earlier passages in free rhythm, creates an effect of deliquescence, illustrating both Larkin's image of light and water, and Greenwood's cultivation of the ephemeral nature and infinite variability of live performance.

--Gordon Kerry

© 2015 The Carnegie Hall Corporation

March 23, 2015

Jonny Greenwood contributes to new book about 'musical epiphanies'

Jonnyが4月30日に出版される'Epiphanies: Life Changing Encounters With Music' に寄稿しているようです。
この本は'The Wire' 誌に掲載されている1998年からのコラムのコレクションとのことで著名人が多数寄稿しています。
フルリスト、および詳細は WIRE Shop へ。

March 13, 2015

Jonny Greenwood premieres new music, including Thom Yorke remix and solo songs

Flying Lotusが月1でDJを担当しているBBC Radio 1の番組"BBC Radio 1 Residency"でJonnyによるミックス音源がフィーチャーされ、未公開の音源が数曲公開されました。
サントラ「Inherent Vice」に収録の"Spooks"のインストゥルメンタルVer、Thomの"A Rat's Nest"のリミックス、There Will Be Bloodからは"De-Tuned Quartet"のデモ、そしてJonnyの新曲として紹介されたのはTKOLツアーのSEで使用されていた曲"Lola Choir"。

March 11, 2015

THERE ARE NO WORDS: Joseph Mitchell, Jonny Greenwood & Big Ears

The Paris ReviewとRock Fish Stewによるドキュメンタリー"THERE ARE NO WORDS"に昨年JonnyがWordless Music Orchestraと共に出演したテネシー州で行われたThe Big Ears Festival、およびUnited Palace Thatreで行われたThere Will Be Blood Liveが取り上げられています。
当時のインタヴューの記事、There Will Be Blood Liveのリハーサルの模様等が動画で公開されています。
THERE ARE NO WORDS: Joseph Mitchell, Jonny Greenwood & Big Ears


March 3, 2015

Jonny Greenwood's soundtrack to Inherent Vice now on vinyl

JonnyのInherent Viceサウンドトラックのアナログ盤も発売となりました。

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