October 11, 2007

DAS updated / hard hats on..

ThomがDead Air Spaceに投稿しています。
「In Rainbowsを楽しんでもらえてるといいけど。やっと出せてホッとしてるよ。ここ数週間は恐ろしい事になってたんだ...想像できると思うけど....」
そして昨晩パブで飲みながら読んだWIRE誌にあったというRobert Wyattの文が掲載されています。

hope you are enjoying listening to the download of In Rainbows.
its a relief to us all that finally its out there.
its been a mad couple of weeks.. as i'm sure you can imagine...

"I love pop music to death..... Most great composers rely on folk music. I rely on pop music.
I'm not saying I'm a great composer or that pop music is folk music. There's a whole endless thing going on out there.
You make your little pond but if your pond isn't connected to the river, which isn't connected to an ocean,
it's just going to dry up. It's just a little piss pool. I've lived too long to be happy in a pond."

I found this in WIRE magazine over a pint in the pub last night.. its Robert Wyatt

また現在 http://www.radiohead.comへ飛ぼうとすると、DASに自動的にジャンプします。

