DAS UPDATE: Office chart
Dead Air Space更新。
Office chart
without an Umbrella .. or an Ark ... yet
1. Manny Pacquiao by Kool A.D.
2. Weed by Dj Nigga Fox
3. Stylised & Desensitised by Eomac
4. She looks like Marisa Tomei by Nic TVG
6. Lean Manufacturing by 400ppm
7. Dat Soca Boat by Mighty Shadow
8. Running Out of Time by Cliff Lothar
9. Gunshotta by Machinedrum
10. Accidents/Harmoniques by Bernard Parmegiani
the disappearance of 5 is, of course, intentional....-- Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) 2014, 1月 8