January 16, 2013

DAS UPDATE: Children's Radio Foundation - Colin's trip to South Africa

Dead Air Space 更新。Colinの投稿。
チャリティー活動で南アフリカに11日間滞在予定のColin。この滞在模様は開設されたブログで随時報告される模様。→Colin Radio Frequency

Children's Radio Foundation - Colin's trip to South Africa

Hello and I'd like to let everyone know I'm off on an adventure to South Africa on Saturday. I've been working with a charity based there, called the Children's Radio Foundation, which works with young people in half a dozen countries in Africa to give them journalistic and broadcasting skills, and a voice to tell their stories. I'm going for 11 days to visit some of the places where the CRF is working with youth groups, hospitals and radio stations in South Africa. You can follow my trip HERE. I will be putting up some pictures, and blogging about the journey as I go along. You can see and hear some of the stories by following the Vimeo link, and Soundcloud too.

I'm very excited to be going, and I hope you will enjoy following my journey on the site. I'm working with CRF because I've always believed in the importance of curiosity, and I grew in a home that was passionate about ' Radio ', as a window to the world outside. In my day job as a musician, I've always loved travelling, meeting people, and making connections with them about all our lives. CRF does all of this this brilliantly, through its radio and journalism training. CRF informs and enlightens everyone's lives - the reporter, interviewee, and the listener, wherever they may be. I'll also be checking out some music too, so keep an eye on the site! "


「ハロー、土曜日に南アフリカへ冒険に行くことになったのを知らせておきたくて。僕は以前からそこを拠点としたChildren’s Radio Foundationっていうチャリティで活動してるんだけど、そこではアフリカの6ヶ国の若者達と共にジャーナリズムや放送技術、彼らの声を提供する場を設けてるんだ。
僕はCRFが若者のグループと活動してる場所や、南アフリカの病院、ラジオ局の訪問で11日間滞在する予定。 ここで僕の旅を見れるよ。写真や出来事をブログに綴っていくつもり。VimeoやSoundCloudをフォロー状況を見聞きできるよ。
